






韦德娱乐app下载地址 celebrates the arts every spring with a week-long festival, capped with an 艺术 and Earth Day celebration on the final day. 


Jazz Roots/Rock Band kicked off the 艺术 Festival with a fantastic concert in the PAC.


A group of students went to Morningstar Recording Studios to record a demo, working with Grammy Award-winning engineer Glenn Barratt. 


Nick Honachefsky discussed the creative production process of his Discovery Network television show Saltwater Underground. Nick and his crew explore the world's finest fishing destinations and the scene of salty characters that accompany them. 

Allie Bentley joined us to give a remote portrait drawing lesson.    宾利已经在全国展出, 在费城举办个展, 纽约, 芝加哥, 和圣地亚哥.




Students gathered at the Crib to express their artistic side. 内部, 他们制作了毕业舞会的面具, 纸花, 和发带, 和外部, 他们用粉笔画画, 玩泡泡, 和更多的!



Mukamari, 一位来自津巴布韦的灵魂艺术家, 目前住在多伊尔斯敦, 请学生们看表演. Mukamari uses his music beyond entertainment and tries to educate and challenge issues that society faces.

Later that night, Aum Desai '24 performed at his Young Artist Series concert. Aum and eight other accompanists played various music, 包括爵士乐, 流行, 和古典, 还有来自法国的音乐, 中东, 和印度. The night also included an original piece written by our very own Cathy Block. 



This year's workshops were hosted by professionals as well as enthusiasts from our own community. 当天的活动包括给滑板甲板涂漆, 著作, 涂鸦墙, 蛋糕装饰, 珠宝, 开麦诗, 传真电报, 指甲花的纹身, 编织植物衣架, 以及多个客座研讨会.

  • 解放你的创造力! 用肖茜甩掉自我批评
    Carl "Shotsie" Gorman is an American tattoo artist, painter, sculptor, and poet. He has been tattooing for over 42 years and co-founded the Alliance of Professional Tattooists. Shotsie covered a wide range of concepts, drawing from both Western and Eastern philosophies. 通过一系列的图像, Shotsie illustrated how meditation could serve as a gateway to the inner life, aiding in removing the ego and pursuing perfection. He emphasized that fear and doubt are the primary sources of creative blocks, 创造力的关键是玩耍, 没有将这个过程智能化.

  • Make your own tarot card—an introduction to the card—an introduction to intuitive automatic drawing and writing with Kristine Gorman Students got a brief introduction to automatic drawing. They received a large piece of newsprint paper and tried their hand at it. Their final im年龄 related to a tarot card that was selected for them, and then they drew that card on a lovely piece of heavy multi-media paper.

  • 与Sharonne Vinokurov一起跳萨尔萨舞 The workshop included fundamental footwork and partner work.  "It's about learning to use our bodies to move and communicate with one another in a respectful and very fun manner,莎伦说。.

  • Pigments, Egg Tempera, and Medieval Art Techniques with Elisa Markhoff Students experienced creating their own paint with egg tempera and using historical pigments. They also discussed the role of Egypt and Sudan in supplying raw materials and models for the ancient and medieval worlds. 

  • Comic Strips: Learning to tell stories and jokes in a series of im年龄s and photos with Griff Jurchak

  • Architecture as a Sculpture, Building and Abstracting with Sal Annunziato

  • 靛蓝染料 & Shibori和Susan Mania

  • 丽贝卡·凯利的《韦德娱乐苹果手机版下载》

  • Exploring the Intersection of 音乐 and 视觉艺术 with Will Fredendall Will explored the intersection of music and visual arts from our earliest music-making ancestors to the modern world. 人们把德彪西和莫奈联系在一起, Ornette Coleman和Jackson Pollock, 古印度肖像学, 和哈里普拉萨德Chaurasia, and the workshop concluded with a live performance demonstrating the modern application of this research. 当艺术媒介之间的界限变得模糊, new avenues of artistry emerge and emotional expression has an opportunity to flourish.

  • Audition Tips and Self-Tapes with Millo Lazarczyk
    This workshop provided some insight into show business as well as some tips for self-tapes and landing those auditions.

  • Cupcake Decorating with Cari Nelson and Lori Davis

  • 与18岁的凯特琳·米勒(Caitlin Miller)合作
    Students learned how to create a plant hanger using a macramé cord and variations of the square knot.



尽管气温不断下降, many parents remained on campus to tour the AP art exhibit in the Abbe hallways and gather in the garden for an informal parent social hosted by the 家庭与学校协会 Hospitality Committee. Solebury then celebrated Earth Day by having an Art and Plant sale with proceeds benefitting the clubs. 那是一个可爱的下午, 和社区一起玩, 吃好食物, buying art and plants (Mother's Day is coming up), 唱歌, 和诗歌!




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